I am still floating from my conversation with Jessica Briggs, a reader, healer, and education enthusiast. Her message is a powerful one and it is to be gentle and thoughtful with ourselves in order to help the greater good.
During our conversation, we discussed her work with the Akashic Records. She walks us through her own journey of finding and using them. She talks about her near-death experience and her eat pray love journey on an extended meditation retreat, the Pacific Crest Trail, and traveling through Europe. She also shares tips on how to get in touch with our own personal spirit guides. She recently transitioned to new spirit guides and hearing this powerful story was very inspiring. She is going back to the basics and using a pendulum to communicate with them. I could feel Jessica channeling the entire time we were talking.
In her own words, “the Akashic records are basically like a public library of lights that exists in our collective consciousness. Nobody is withheld from the Akashic records. Nobody is prohibited from accessing that information, probably if you've followed your intuition or gone through your body, somatically you've accessed pieces or parts of your Akashic records. It's a vibrational field. When we access the records, it might look different for everybody because it depends on how we constructed it in our belief system. But the easiest way to access it is through your heart and to emotionally connect to your Akashic record as opposed to the whole Akash because it's infinite, it's infinite and it's fast and it can be a lot for a human body to hold. We can all access it through our hearts. And that's where we get to connect with our master teachers and ancestors, beings of light who have a record of our soul's journey from its inception.”
During our conversation, Jessica touched on the topic of creative energy versus receptive energy. This was a common thread through each topic. And there is a time and a space for both energies. She recommends to some listeners to truly listen to the creative productive energy that is present. Following it will lead to some amazing discoveries.
She finishes the episode channeling a message from a spirit baby and one of my spirit guides. I recently miscarried so to hear this message was an incredibly healing experience and might be the first time I’ve cried on the show with a guest.
You can work with Jess one-on-one although she is ending her private session offerings soon. You can also take her quiz to find out what thought pattern you are ready to upgrade.
Show notes:
Follow Jessica on Instagram: @lovejessbriggs
Visit Jessica’s website: jessicabriggs.me
Resources Discussed:
Maria Haswell - Intuitive Guide
Quotes from Jessica Briggs:
“I teach people how to read the Akashic records or actually if it's not in alignment for them, teach them whatever they're meant to be connecting with. One of the practices we do is being aware of when you are creating versus when you are receiving. And they're both really, really, really good energies, but the energy of, Oh, I'm thinking, and I need to bring myself back, can be creator mode in this initiatory mode or meditation can be this act of like deep, deep receptivity where it's like, I'm just allowing and just receiving and just abiding.”
“Are you having a relationship to the food you're eating and allowing yourself to receive all the nutrients and benefits, which are so much more than minerals? Every food has its own messaging story and energetic reason for being.”
“Our community has experience with boundaries or at least the beginning stages of standing up for themselves. And in addition to that, we can open our view and open our eyes more and begin to cultivate the mysterious benefits of standing up for others. And what that might look like is like a social media post for something that doesn't affect you directly.”
“I studied academically mathematics, which I already mentioned, which was like a form of mind training for a form of abstract thought. Being able to manipulate what we call subspaces and do the mathematical foundations of quantum theory is a beautiful form of mind meditation. I like abstract thought because I already had the pieces that are so natural in the spirit realm of seeing the light in people, seeing the light in situations, gratitude like gratitude is so natural. Kindness is so natural in the spirit realm. Caring is so natural. So for me, mathematics was like a spiritual tool.”
“I'm also doing this education platform in 2021 and it's all about how mathematics and intuition and spirituality and literature and music can be organic. What's simple and natural and feel really nourishing.”
“The Akashic records are basically like a public library of light that exists in our collective consciousness. Nobody is withheld from the Akashic records. Nobody is prohibited from accessing that information, probably if you've followed your intuition or gone through your body, somatically you've accessed pieces or parts of your Akashic records. It's a vibrational field. And when we access the records, it might look different for everybody because it depends on how we constructed it in our belief system. But the easiest way to access it is through your heart and to emotionally connect to your Akashic record as opposed to the whole Akash because it's infinite, it's infinite and it's fast and it can be a lot for a human body to hold. So we can all access it through our hearts. And that's where we get to connect with our master teachers and ancestors, beings of light who have a record of our soul's journey from its inception.”
“I feel like some of the people that are listening to this, not a big percentage, but a certain percentage have creative things that are trying to come through them. And they're almost like swatting them away because they're like, no, I'm supposed to stop the mind or not think, but also you'll probably feel if this is you, honor your creativity and the creative thoughts that are coming because they are leading you somewhere.”
“I got back into the use of a pendulum because with the new guides, what is asked of me is for every cell in my body, my mental, emotional, spiritual, physical bodies, all the unknown bodies that I'm not even aware of to all be very coherent and be very much on the same page when I'm speaking and when I'm listening.”
“I know our guides love us so much. They take care of so many little things that we can't see. I always like to say thank you for all the known and unknown blessings that come from them.”
“The spirit baby has been guiding you all along. And actually, sometimes, I do feel like it's for women, in particular, spirit babies can wreak havoc in your life. Cause they're like, this partner has to go. This job is not for us. It is really for you.”
“I'm so grateful to everyone who's listening. You've attracted so many beautiful and creative and spunky souls.”