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Today Sarah shares her story of paying $18,000 of credit card debt in one year. It took a lot of motivation, a plan, and trial and error to pay it all off. But now she’s living debt-free. Below are the resources she used to help her along the way.
Show notes:
Life Kit Podcast - 7 Strategies To Pay Off Debt - https://www.npr.org/2019/02/14/694669510/7-strategies-for-digging-out-of-debt
Life Kit Podcast - Crush Debt Fast While Staying Motivated - https://www.npr.org/2019/02/14/694669932/crush-debt-fast-while-staying-motivated
Allen Carr - Get Out of Debt Now - https://amzn.to/3kKtY9Z
Ramit Sethi - I Will Teach You To Be Rich - https://amzn.to/2DVTl7H
“Debt definitely dictated what I did and didn't do.”
“The really important thing to pay off credit card debt is momentum.”
“ We shouldn't feel shame about credit card debt. The entire industry is a predatory trap.”
“I made a commitment to myself to pay off as much of my credit card each month that I could.”
“Now, whenever I get a paycheck, it feels like a bonus.”
“Many of you messaged me privately and spoke to me about how you're going through the exact same thing or had been through the exact same thing. I want to talk about it more because now looking back there just seems to be no reason why I wasn't sharing this story before I paid it off.”